
What I learned on my summer vacation: Part 10

Part of a series of post-Creative Freelancer Conference postings: 10. Break large projects into small chunks. This advice was actually via a Twitterview of CFC speaker Dyana Valentine (@dyanavalentine) by HOW Magazine (@HOWBrand). My question to Dyana was how to manage a large project that seems overwhelming. Her advice was: “Break that sucker down. Map time available, chunk it up, match tasks to chunks. Ask for help if you need it.” I thought this was fabulous advice — especially the part about asking for help, which can be hard when you’re an “I can do it all” kind of person. I’ve also applied her advice to my blogging, realizing that a short post each day is a more realistic goal than a lengthy post (and easier for readers too, I think). Thanks Dyana!