
More kindness in business, please

Rob's Really Good "positively life changing" organic drinks

I recently listened to an episode of Talk Story with Jeni” featuring “instigator” (and friend) Dyana Valentine. The ladies brought up a point about kindness in business and it got me thinking: yes, there should be more kindness in business. Now, I know there are challenges when running a business, but finding the moments where we can share a positive thought or action can really make a difference to someone (and even improve your own business). Whether it’s donating time to an organization or helping out a client when they’re in a bind, being nice goes a long way. In fact, I started writing this blog with the perspective of sharing positive thoughts in small business (thus the name, the bright spot). In my opinion, why not focus on the good stuff—in life AND business. A product that seems to be following this trend is Rob’s Really Good, a line of natural drinks. I picked up a bottle at my local coffee shop and was pleasantly surprised to see “Rob’s Secret of Life” on the bottle—a brief positive affirmation printed on each label. It’s a small gesture, but it makes me think (and smile) each time I see it. And now I find myself reaching for this drink over another brand. How can you incorporate kindness into your daily business life?