
Book review: Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs by Jill Salzman @foundingmom

Though I’m an experienced small business owner (12 years) I’m still a newbie mom (14 months), so I’m always eager to gain insight from more experienced biz mamas. Jill Salzman is one of those mamas. She’s an entrepreneur with several businesses under her belt, founder of the fantastic mom entrepreneur group Founding Moms, and recently wrote the book, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. Whew!

What’s great about the book

The book details typical small business topics such as taxes and trademarks, however she also discusses things that biz mamas find challenging, such as finding “me time” and getting dinner on the table (prepping meals in advance has become a lifesaver for me!) The book is a fast read, a must for busy moms. It’s organized into a series of tips, which you can easily go back to and reference. Most of all, I appreciate the positive (and humorous) tone of the book. Being a business owner and a mom isn’t always easy, but a sense of humor and positive attitude can make life so much easier.

Who should read this book?

Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs is a useful (and entertaining) guidebook for both new and seasoned biz mamas.