
All I really need to know in small business, I learned from my baby. [@foundingmom guest post] #bizmama

A few more things my son taught me: Take frequent art breaks. Always make time for fun.

Being a small business owner for almost 12 years, I’ve been accustomed to running my graphic design studio in a very organized, methodical way. When my baby boy arrived, things quickly changed in my home and business life. Now, a year later, I realize the many things he taught me that can also be applied to running a small business successfully.

Lose your preconceived notions.  

When I first had my son, I wanted to be a babywearing mama. After multiple attempts (and baby carriers), I realized: This boy doesn’t like being in a baby carrier. In business, the same rule applies. We sometimes approach our businesses with preconceived notions, only to be disappointed when they aren’t working. It’s okay to change your focus, client base or marketing strategy if it isn’t getting the results you want. In fact, it’s a good thing. Read the rest of my post on the Founding Moms blog.