
Do you let the Universe help you?

from the Smithsonian Institution on flickr

While reading Journey to the Heart, a book of daily meditations (and one of my favorite sources for personal and business insight), I came across a useful passage titled “Let the Universe Help You.” The author, Melody Beattie wrote, “Tell the Universe what you want. Tell a friend…Write it down on a list. Be clear and forthright about what you need and want…Then let go.” I thought this was great advice from a small business standpoint. How often do we have big ideas, yet we abandon them because of fear? Or we start on a new project and get hung up on the minor details (I know I am guilty of that). What if we let the Universe help us? The author goes on to say, “Go naturally about the course of your life…Listen to your inner voice. What you are guided to do. Where you are guided to go…the people you meet, the phone calls you receive, the experiences you have—even the problems that arise.” Basically, stop trying so hard to figure things out. Sit back and look around. Be aware of the signs. Even if you don’t take a spiritual approach to running a business, this approach can be taken by writing down a goal and then quietly observing. Take note of what is going on around you. Perhaps you see a tweet related to your idea. Maybe you meet with a friend who brings up something relevant. Or receive a phone call from a colleague who can help you with your idea. This happens to me often and I believe the Universe has a hand in it. An everyday occurrence can become advantageous if your mind is open and receptive. Intuition can become inspiration.

Do you let the Universe help you?