
Let your clients inspire you

After recently creating a blog for one of my clients, I realized that I really wanted a new blog of my very own. This time, however, the goal was not to promote business or generate income, but simply to have some fun. I recently started gardening on my city balcony. Being a novice gardener, I was doing lots of reading and research so I thought: why not create a place to share my gardening discoveries, as well as keep a diary of my urban garden that I can look back upon. With some encouragement from my writer husband, the urban gardeness blog was born. I’ve been enjoying it immensely. Partially, because I have a place to save my gardening goodies, tips and photos, but also because it’s something I’ve designed purely for fun. It’s been awhile since I’ve done this, so I now realize how important it is to have some “just for fun” projects among your client and in-house projects. So next time you’re working on a client project that piques your interest, see how it can inspire you to create a “just for fun” personal project. Have a “just for fun” project started already? Share them in the comments section!