
What I learned on my summer vacation: Part 13


Agenda by Cavallini

Part of a series of post-Creative Freelancer Conference postings: 13. Schedule time each week for marketing. It’s easy to get busy with client work and forget all about your own marketing efforts. Or maybe you have the time, but you don’t have a plan. Make a plan! It doesn’t have to be fancy, simply a list of marketing goals and steps to achieve them is enough to start. Then put the steps on the calendar. If you need motivation, a beautifully-designed agenda or day planner can help (left). Or use a ready-made marketing calendar like the Marketing Mentor Grow Your Business Marketing Plan + Calendar. My goals are to: 1) update my marketing plan to include social media; 2) prioritize my marketing vehicles (so I know what to focus on during busy times) and; 3) schedule a day each week for marketing. Wow, that makes it seem easy, right?