
A baby changes everything—in your morning schedule, that is.

"What morning schedule?"

Before baby:

  • 8 am: wake up
  • 8:15 am: have a leisurely breakfast while catching up on magazines
  • 8:30 am: browse twitter feed/blogs, work on new blog posts
  • 9:30 am: check and respond to client emails
  • 10 am: take dog out for a long walk

After baby:

  • Sometime between 5 am–9 am: wake up (usually in a hurry) and feed baby
  • While baby is occupied in swing or bouncer: eat breakfast quickly and read a few pages of a magazine (if I’m lucky)
  • After breakfast: check and respond to client emails on iPhone in rocking chair, while feeding or rocking baby
  • When baby starts crying: take dog and baby out for a brisk walk (hoping that baby will fall asleep in stroller)

How did your schedule change after baby?