Signs of Spring in Chicago

Potted pansies, runners and a busy Mary Bartelme Park in the West Loop
With our first 80+ degree day yesterday, Chicagoans were pleasantly reminded: yes, it does get warm in Chicago.
After many long months of cold, snow, rain and greyness in general, the warm day brought the city alive. Bulky jackets were shed for shorts. Smells of BBQ lingered in the air. Kids and dogs populated the parks and streets. The warm day also nicely coincided with Chicago’s kick-off to the running season, the
Shamrock Shuffle.
Though most trees and plant life have yet to wake up, I managed to find some signs of spring in my Chicago neighborhood, as well as in my mom’s garden. Go Spring!
Follow my Chicago spring tweets (and others’) at #signsofspring.

Snowdrops and sedum make their spring debut