Snowed in: scenes from the Chicago blizzard

The lengths we go to for our morning coffee: snowy scenes from Chicago's West Loop. Click for more pics.
Yesterday was quite a day for many Chicagoans.
Between Tuesday and Wednesday we experienced
one of the largest snowfalls in history, with totals creeping over 20 inches.
Snow was flying sideways at high speed. Thunder and lightning lit up the night sky. Chicago Public Schools were closed for the first time in over 10 years. Retail stores and banks were closed. Drivers were stuck in cars and buses for multiple hours on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive. Homes lost power for 12 hours or more. Quite a day, indeed.
We were one of the buildings in Chicago that lost electricity for many hours. Not having heat, coffeemaker or internet connection, we trudged through the snow to our local Starbucks (one of the few places open!) for a warm breakfast. Along the way, we saw Chicago cab drivers and buses determinedly making their way through the snowy streets. While dogs (including our Essie) and children seemed to make the very best of the huge snowdrifts that accumulated in the streets.
The calm after the store—not to mention the massive clean-up—starts today. With cars still buried in side streets and temperatures dropping to frigid lows, many of my clients (and myself) are happy to be working from home again today. And schoolkids are once again enjoying a snow day.
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